Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Dreaded First Post

My name is Pamela.

I am 50, and starting over.  I've lost pretty much everything in the past 7 years.  A long-term relationship, a career, financial security, 152 pounds, most of my self-esteem and not too much less of my confidence.  I lost my mind years ago (ask anyone who knows me)  :) 

What I do have is a dog (the world's least scary German Shepherd) and a small cozy rental cottage in the general vicinity of the Delaware Water Gap.  It's tranquil and peaceful and I truly love coming home to it every night (I'd also welcome coming home to one of the inner rings of Hell after my daily 100-mile commute, but I digress).

While it's perfectly comfortable as it is, I'm planning on making a change.  Having made a conscious decision to withdraw from society (I like how that sounds - kinda like a Tennessee Williams heroine, except without the brutish brother-in-law), I'm going to direct my attention to my home.

I've always been a fan of the "shabby" realm of decorating.  However, I find it to be very "twee" sometimes - too sugary and princess-y for my tastes.  I've found that the "French country" style is something I am drawn to.  Pale colors (cream, pale grey, white) with accents of sepia or ebony to cut the sweetness.  So, that's my goal - to transform by hand (and very limited cash) my Eisenhower-era bungalow into a Parisian oasis.

I'll be posting my challenges, attempts, successes and failures (hopefully the former outnumber the latter) and maybe by the time I'm done, I'll be ready to attempt something of a life again.

I also hope to "prettify" this blog at some point, so if you read this or follow me, be prepared for that.

Thanks for joining me on my journey.


  1. I'm so happy that you decided to start a blog!! It will be fun to follow along and see all of your beautiful transformations.

    I was always drawn to the shabby chic look too and believe it or not, there was a time when everything in our home was pink, white, and mint green - haha! Even our bedroom walls were painted pink(my poor husband). But like you, it just became too sugary sweet and precious for my taste and I needed a change - fast! Much to my husband's relief, we are now in a more neutral environment with lots of pale greys, blues and tans with hints of black to keep it all together. I love a French farmhouse feel...a bit rugged but charming at the same time.

    Have a great week!

    God Bless,

  2. How funny. I'm following because you made me laugh, you are over 50, starting over completely, retreated from society, and redoing your house....I am too. And when I first read this one last night you had no followers at all...this haunted me and I came back to see you have a few already and that's good. Welcome to blogland and I hope you find the support and companions of good cheer I am finding. blessings, Lady

  3. Love, Love your blog! I am looking forward to more to come posts! I have been blogging a few years now and was so tickled when I came across yours, although I love all the mommy blogs, I am out of that phase in life. Although I was 34 when I had to start over, from being rock bottom, to here ((almost 40)) it has been a journey I grew from and am blessed now because of.

    Have a FAB weekend!


  4. من منا لا يحتاج إلى سباك يقوم بكافة أعمال السباكة الخاصة بالمنازل والشقق والفلل والقصور، كما أن الشركة تعتمد في أداء عملها على مجموعة متميزة من عمال ومهندسين محترفين في أعمال السباكة المتطورة، فشركتنا تحرص على أن يتم تدريب عمالها على استخدامهم لأحدث المعدات والتقنيات الحديثة التي تساعد على كشف مكان مشكلة السباكة، أو كشف تسرب مياه من أي نوع، لذا عند حدوث أي مشكلة يجب أن يتم اللجوء إلى شركتنا على الفور فنحن الشركة الوحيدة التي تمتلك القدرة على كشف وتصليح جميع المشكلات الخاصة بأعمال السباكة.

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